What is an MLP?
According to the Miken Institute of Public Health, nearly one in six Americans needs legal help to be healthy. Whether that takes the form of helping enforce habitability standards for noncompliant landlords or connecting patients with pro bono resources for more complex litigation, MLPs combine the power of law and medicine to improve patient and population health.
Our MLP is a patient care model that integrates the expertise of medicine, public health, social work, and legal professions to identify, address, and prevent health-harming legal needs that affect low income populations.
How will the MLPs affect Oregonians?
Besides positively impacting the lives of patients served by community-based MLPs, this model seeks to address broader, systemic issues that may affect the greater community. By identifying and addressing these systemic problems, MLP improves population health, making our communities happier and healthier.
Source: National Center for Medical Legal Partnership
Source: National Center for Medical Legal Partnership